I have been challenged in a book to read the Bible cover to cover. The author suggested reading until you find something that speaks to you and stop and spend time meditating on it. I have found it difficult to read along on those programs where you have to read so many chapters each day. I get behind and then I get overwhelmed. So, I decided to try this. I figure even if it takes me multiple years to read through it, it doesn't really matter. It's a life long read anyway.
So, I am currently reading in Genesis 3. I have found so much good stuff in there. I have also been reading all the notes included in my bible for better understanding. Good Stuff!
This is the story of Eve in the Garden of Eden when the serpent has tempted her to eat from the tree that God specifically told them not to. She has eaten from the tree and God is speaking to the serpent. Genesis 3:15 says:
"And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel."I was specifically interested in the second half of that verse. My notes explain that while the serpent (satan) will strike at the heel (a non-deadly wound), he (Jesus) will crush your head (be victorious in this fight). Even when Eve was in direct disobedience to what the Lord had spoken to her, He is still merciful toward her. While she was disciplined (cast out of the garden and pains in childbirth- thanks for that ;), God's love is not withheld.
My disobedience varies. Sometimes I feel pretty certain about what I should do and choose not to- being rebellious. Other times, I am unsure what is being asked of me and I act hastily- being impatient. I think there is no debate that Eve was in direct disobedience. She did not have to rely on discernment from the Holy Spirit, a feeling in her heart or gut or even a sign. She heard the words directly from the mouth of God. She made the wrong choice. As I have so often. The consequence had lasting effects. But the Lord's love for her remained the same.
The lesson for me today is that the Lord's love for me never changes. I can never do anything that would change it. This is not a free pass to make wrong choices, but it is a good reminder that during those times when I need a second (third or twelfth) chance, God's love for me remains. He will only allow the serpent to strike at my heels. And He will fight for me and crush the head of the enemy who seeks to destroy me.
Human love has taught me that if I disappoint one too many times, love is withheld. Those who once fought for me may turn on me and begin to fight at me. God's love is teaching me that I am never unlovable. And that I am always worth fighting for.