Monday, January 4, 2010

Random Facts About 2009

Since I am not sure how to sum up all that has been 2009, I figured I would give you some random highlights true to Random Mom fashion.

2009 was the year that my husband was out of work for 8 months. It was also the year that I saw the Lord stretch every dollar and work miracles in our finances. Our every need was provided and lots of our wants as well. Amazing.

In 2009, my water spontaneously broke at 32 weeks. Which would also make it the year that I spent 2 hours trying to convince myself that I had just peed- a lot. Admitting that my water broke this early was just too scary to wrap my mind around.

2009 was the year that I delivered a premature baby more quickly than I ever thought my body could deliver. This same baby was born screaming and in perfect health, after being told that morning that most likely his lungs were still not mature.

2009 was the year I became a mom of a son. A blue eyed son.

In 2009, I became the mother of a preschooler. After spending years as a teacher, it was weird being on the other side. And, in case you are wondering, I am totally "that mom".

2009 brought many trials and difficulties. Possibly more than any other year. But, as Paul promises, "Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured His love into us by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us." Romans 5:3-5.

So, in summary, 2009 is the year that I discovered true hope.



  1. UM, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we all knew you would be "that mom"! Let's be honest about it.
