Friday, September 17, 2010


  • I have been having weird ear pain off and on for months now. I made the mistake of web MD'ing it. It's either nothing or cancer. Good to know.
  • I have taken two big tests in my anatomy class already. I got an A on the first one and an 89.33 on the second one. That really irritates me!
  • Addie and I went to her first concert - The Jonas Brothers. She was so fun to watch.
  • I am doing the Esther Bible Study and LOVING IT.
  • Oddly enough, I am also struggling with not SHAKING THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of someone. And yes, that is the edited version of how I feel.
  • Just goes to show, I have a lot to work through with the Lord.
  • I caught Brody sneaking into some Hostess treats last night. I surprised him with one in his lunch yesterday and so tonight he must've felt like he needed to eat Wonder where he gets that from?
  • Someone posted a link to a ministry that is exactly my heart. I have already asked the Lord to let me serve there at some point in my life.
  • I've decided to grow my hair out.
  • Why does my family have to have more diagnoses? The good news - 3 of the 4 should be remedied in about 6 months after some therapy.
  • I got a phone call from a teacher today. Not the kind where they just wanted to share how great your child is. Boo.



  1. Your post has made me glad, sad, mad, bad, there a diagnosis for being all that at once!?!? Maybe we could have coffee and hypothesize on that:)

  2. I would love to have coffee to further discuss! I miss our coffee dates.

  3. Gosh! So much going on in your life. I'm sorry not to be more of a part of it.

    I'm sending you lots of love!

  4. The Web MD is a dangerous thing.

    I just go ahead and assume it's probably nothing or impending doom...
