Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The seasons are a changing

I hear rumor of this from other parts of the country.  Now, I can't deny that we are seeing signs of Fall as well.  It is just not what you expect to hear when you think "Fall".  Other parts of the country are talking about long sleeves and hot chocolate and colored leaves.  Here on the surface of the sun, we are looking at temps dropping into the 70's overnight and daytime temps dipping just below 100.  I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I am a little jealous.
It seems that as the literal season changes from summer to fall, life has taken on some changes of it's own.  As the summer crops are harvested and begin to die, I sense the same thing happening in life.  Our little family of three has settled into a solid routine over the spring and summer.  Solid routine was a nice change from the constant change of the previous years.  We relished it.  The kids are thriving.  They feel secure and happy and I see fruits of that throughout their lives.  So good for this mama's heart.  I was becoming comfortable.  I feel the undercurrent- change is a'comin.  There has been a new development that has effected the kid's weekly schedule.  Now, this certainly isn't the first time that a grown up in their life has made a similar decision that has impacted them.  But, for some reason, this feels bigger.  I sense the Lord preparing all of us for something different.  Maybe as the literal seasons change, we are about to experience a figurative change of seasons as well.  Some of the summer and fall is begin harvested and some of it has to die.  It has to die to allow new growth in the coming spring.  Please pray for my family as we face what could be a potential winter season.

Now, I don't want to project that things are terrible in these parts.  They really are not.  Life is happy and secure.  Through these changes, I have been able to witness fruits of maturity in my children.  They exhibit a sense of security that hasn't been shaken by every change like it was in the past.  They have a new found confidence in themselves, in the people in their lives, and more importantly, Alivia has found confidence in her God.  I am really proud of them.


1 comment:

  1. I have been and will continue to pray for all hearts involved. Much love.
